miércoles, 8 de julio de 2015

5th day, 08 July 2015

Gdynia, view from the boat, the training of special forces
Gdynia, view from the boat, the training of special forces
To be here is amazing. I am far far away. Even if the distance is just few thousand km from the places I was living before, the mental distance is much much further.
We were travelling for nearly 8 days onboard Horyzont II. We started in Gdynia, and arrived here, to Polish Polar Station, 4th of July. The travel was long and sometimes the ship was shaking. My stomach exactly knows what I am talking about:) Even if there were difficult moments on the boat, I am so happy to travel this classical way and to know more impressive people like a crew and the Italian scientists, Andrea and Andrea.
From http://www.dziennikbaltycki.pl/artykul/3915407,gdynia-statek-szkoleniowy-akademii-morskiej-horyzont-ii-wyplynal-w-rejs-na-spitsbergen-zdjecia,id,t.html
Frist Spitsbergen view
We passed few seas, have seen Danish straits, wind parks, the Sweden-Danmark bridge and some of us have seen whales. We arrived and after those adventures we had to take away from the ship all our stuff. It was an impressive logic operation and took about 18 h. Two tractors, two amphibians, two cranes, quad and hands of about 30 people was used. A lot of work. Finally, I was awake 37 hours. During the disembarkation we had the special visit. The big polar bear was observing us, then played a bit on the snow and disapeared behind the rocks. Here everyday brings new adventures and I hope to can share with you some my special moments. I have to quit, just I started my work and I need to send new weather raports. Hugs.

From the cabin, fot: Robert

The visit, fot: Konrad
The one of manz officer maps used during the cruise
Our track

Wind parks

Sweden-Danmark bridge
the Hans glacier

Ice, one of manz here

the capitan on the bridge

the wiev from anchored Horyzont II

Hans again

Me and other Dominika just before leaving the ship

I think it is clear

Midnight sun and midnight work

The walk with Rudek

Again Rudek and me

2 comentarios:

  1. Wow, so impressive, so cool! I can see you'll have fun :)

  2. Hola Domi! Qué bien que estás tan emocionada, es una experiencia muy linda la que estás teniendo! No dejes de escribir, espero ávida tus noticias. Un beso grande!
