viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

30th Jan 2015

After the rain (or blizzard in this case:) ) appears the sun (or a bit of light as it is in our case:) ) Finaly, I could make my snow measurements during beautiful weather. Wonderful views. We were checking snow, checking flares (if they are not wet), playing with the dog and going with the snowmobile from one measurement point to another. Moderate cold, moderate wind as for Arctic conditions:)

My life at the Station is very intensive! I am not boried at all. Apart of my meteo work, that's quite a lot, puppies take a lot of time, cooking, cleaning and so on. Today a helicopter. Many things. I just put the beautiful part of small part of life at the Station. During last 30h I was sleeping about 3h… and that is a normal day.. but it is life.. I am so exhausted, but I wanted to post some new pics:)

There will be two articles about us in the near future. I will tell where and when. By now, the article (sorry, in Polish:) ) about the working dogs at the Station. There is the link: 
checking if the flares are not wet, you need to do this from time to time

snow measurements

the same:)



miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

27th Jan 2016 is blowing in the wind

It has already happened several times. It is windy again:) It is not the most. Today the gusts of wind are up to 34 m/s and we already had 43 m/s. But today,  I took the (old and bad, but the only one with battery:) ) camera and made the short movies and some pics. The devil lives outside, behind of the windows. I am sure about that:)  
Apart of wind and more wind, there no are a lot of news from Hornsund. Ana, the German girl, is again here. She arrived by a helicopter and is making psycho-tests for her phd. I hope she will be not disappointed with our results:) 
Because it is very windy, unfortunately we cannot take her for some trips. If there will be good weather conditions she will leave us on Friday. Then we see each other in June. I post 2 videos from today and some pics form lasts days.


the same clouds like below, but other set-up

the same clouds like above, but other set-up

Brzydal one "day"

dont know what it is?? its a helicopter:D

the helicopter

more helicopter

landing of the helicopter

the helicopter:D

the helicopter:D

the helicopter:D

the helicopter:D

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

20th Jan 2016

Dog-succes! With Ragna we have won the photographic competition!! :)
The link is here:

One thing is that Ragna is not mine, it is station dog. Mine is her doughter Harpa.
This information I have already written to them.

sábado, 16 de enero de 2016

16th Jan 2016

Wszystkiego najlepszego Tatusiu z okazji imienin!! 

(wishes for my daddy :) )

(za późno, żeby dzwonić, ale nie zapomniałam, tylko cały dzień w jaskini siedziałam). A niech wszyscy wiedzą, jakiego mam wspaniałego ojca, który chociaż na odległość, ale zawsze był i jest dla mnie największą podporą. Rozumiał wszystko, czy to motocykl, czy skoki spadochronowe, czy Spitsbergen. Nigdy nie mnie nie krytykował, a zawsze we mnie wierzył. Zaraził mnie miłością do Natury i spokojem ducha.
Z okazji imienin mam dla Ciebie psa… cieszysz się???? :D:D:D

No dobra, żartowałam…. :)
Wiem, że chcesz, ale łatwo nie oddam.

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

14th Jan 2016

Our first work.. walk together. I was checking the thermometer and Harpa was discovering the nauture of the Arctic. Many things- the ice, snow drifts, metal wire.. but the most interesting of course was my glove:) How I observe her I think that it will become a very good and smart dog. Sometimes I think it os half polar bear half arctic fox:) Look at the pics..

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

10th Jan 2016 The Cristal Cave

Photos: Anton Sedlak

Outside is windy and dark. Recently we do not have a lot of good luck with the weather. Anyway worst days can be used to visit the Cristal Cave. Yesterday we went there and had an opportunity go about 200 m into the ice. We had used 2 ropes but it was not enough. We need to come back and explore more:) It was a good moment since 1 month ago there were too much snow and water inside. Amazing place and opened for visitors few moments per year. It is very good to go out from the base for the moment:) 

And moreover we did a bit of science work!!! :)
Excellent Sunday. 

viernes, 8 de enero de 2016

8th Jan 2016

My little Harpa is growing like a weed. All 5 doggies are everytime more active, more hungry and much more stronger then before. The desant of the Husky puppies is the cutest thing you can imagine, but it starts to be difficult to resist for one person.  

Not only the dogs are changing. We had past the mid-night :) and sometimes when the weather is good some sun rays are passing through the horizont and performing the unforgetable light spectacle.

I am working on the long post for the blog- how evrything started. It will apppear soon…. I hope