jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

7 days to go!!!

Shampoos and vasaline creams..

Mr Molten in the foreground
Sometimes, when I think where I will be in 10 days I get little chills on my back!! Maybe I will be admiring the dutch sea windparks, maybe adoring the bridges, maybe looking at first cachalots (maybe vomiting all the time?? who knows;) ) Last night I could not sleep since I was thinking if I had prepared all necessary stuff. 
Probably not... and it worries me;)

Many things will be for sure unpredictable. Many predictable, even if they seem to be unpredictable. Our Robert got temporary tooth fillings for our expedition.. Sharing our information we have listed all european anti-vomiting drugs. I feel it in my bones that it will be shakeing on the Horyzont II . Therefore, I try to carefully pack my things. To avoid chemical soup in my baggage, shampoos and other creams I have additionaly fixed with an adhesive tape. All other stuff, apart of Mr Molten, go in separate plastic bags, big plastic bag and in the barrels/ sailing bag. Mr Molten does not need a plastic bag:)
Ready to close
I prepared (and sent last Monday) 2 barrels and 1 sailing bag.

In my car.
Leaving for 13 months it is not only preparing the stuff. It is as well spending the time with the people that are somehow dear to me. Recently I have visited my two amazing grandmas, my brother and his kids. Very nice experience. I try as well to dedicate the time for my friends. I know that in one year family and friend situation will be different. Therefore, I enjoy with my people all the moments I have till the departure:) Hugs!!
My beautiful niece in my boots and probably the member of 60th Polish Polar Expedition;)

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