How the things can change during 3 months sometimes is difficult to describe. It is what we experience here. I mention about 5% of our stories. I am totally surprised with the life and with the things I did not expect. This nearly at all leyers of life. To prove it I show the photos of my doggy at 11th of Dec 2015 and 4th of Mar 2016 . Amazing, ehh?
I am pretty curious what will bring the future.
I started to think recently, what I should do? Where I should work? Where I fit? Where is my place?
Sincerelly I am quite lost with this task… again..
11th December |
4th March |
4th March |
1,5 month puppy on Skype |
3 month puppy on Skype |
Tienes que establecer preferencias entre los trabajos que te ilusionan y a continuación los que no te importaría desempeñar pero que no están los tiempos para despreciar, y a tocar todas las puertas por ese orden, sin prisa pero sin pausa, que la vida corre que se las pela. Ánimo y un beso, primor.