Hej!! It is hard to write. I do not have time!! ;) But I need to be constant and work on myself -indispensable for the North;) Moreover, I need to update some information. First of all the expedition started to be even more tasty since in democratic way we have choosen this wonderful logo (by Robert Manowski, proposed by chef: Dominik Petelski).

one small step for mankind, but one giant leap for us;) The team spirit
has grown and at least in my case I started to feel really proud:) It is really cool to represent your own country. I feel unquestionably happy.
Now I want to show you where I will be. I have prepared those schematic pictures to ilustrate where you can find me for the next year. In the Figure 2 (so article style haha) where the heart is (77 deg N) there I will be:) On the map the red lines indicate the polar circles (66 deg) and the top and bottom ends of the map are the North and South poles, respectively.

On the next picture, the red crappy arrow indicates the norwegian island Spitsbergen, the biggest island of Svalbard archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. Administratively, the archipelago is not part of any Norwegian county, but rather forms ununicorporated area administered by a state-appointed governor. But about this later.
In 50 days my world will change. For sure, the changes will be indescribable and many challenges will appear. However, I start this adventure somehow easyly, I have very calm interior state and the heart and mind opened for what future will bring. This valuable state I have gained thanks to some people I can call friends and to many that I met on my way. Thank you very much to support me. For the things you have done to me to make me feel so great I will dedicate one post when I will have more time. By now, to my buddies I dedicate this pic form Pinguins from Madagaskar (the pic done by Kowalski ;) ) CIAO!!!!!
