I was on one course in Gdynia, therefore, I have not written for few days. The instructors were working on us pretty hard, it was awesome. However, we did not have any time for us.
I will try to write something about this, however, it is hard to resume. I will need time and space for this and I will not do everything now;)
Green - where the polar bears live, red-Spitsbergen |
As you probably know Spitsbergen is a habitat of the largest terrestrial carnivores alive today, the polar bears (pic above). Adult male polar bears weigh 350–700 kg and measure 2.4–3 metres in total length. The population of those mammals is about 20 000-25 000 individuals, but (un)fortunately not all of them live on Spitsbergen, the place where I am going. However, many of them can visit us and therefore, we,.. especially the ones in National Park, we have to be prepared for this special meeting. It is not allowed to shot the bear and I hope not to have to do it in my life, but he can appear in some hopeless moment and it is the last and unique solution, before the cute bear eats your liver and heart.
Since we have the wonderful opportunity to spend one year above the arctic circle, they had to prepare us for some emergency situations. We played with different-color flares and we had tried different shot-guns and revolvers to find the weapon we feel comfortable with.
Finally, we were shoting 3 days. The first contact with weapons, was for me, I would say, quite stressful, but later nice and calm. I was really surprised. I do not like rifles (however, I passed the exam) and some of shot-guns. From shot guns I chose pulp-action, very funny (The pic shows my results from the static exam, 5 in the circle). Magnum 44 is neighter so bad;)
The next photo shows the
Charlie's Angels, I mean, me and Karo and the bear 10 times dead (my 6 Magnum in the circle:D and 4 shots of Karo!!, the best team work!!, dinamic shoting)
Charlie´s Angels or Devils |
Next days.. the fire stuff together with spending maybe 1 min in the fire (no air-no fun and the smell was awful!), law blablabla, lifesaving and auto-lifesaving course with very well prepared guy. Sometimes, breathtaking things. E.g. how to deal with shoted lung?!?! Now, when I survive I know how!!:D
I can, as well, defiblirate you if you want:D Believe me, I am able to do much more stuff, if I want:)
After shoting with Karo, Dominika S. in the background |
Then something form radiostation (SECURITE SECURITE!! better for you not to use "over and out";) and do not use MAYDAY for ordering alcohol;) )
At the end some NAVY games;) I leave you some photos (The best things are not photographed :/) and I focus on my meteo;)
We come in peace!!! |
With our IT-crowd, Roberto-Programedeiro |