jueves, 31 de diciembre de 2015

31st Dic 2015

Half of the polar night, half of the time at the base, and all we are alive and quite happy. amazing, eh?:)
Of course there are some complications but i think that our expedition is working quite well.
Today, new year eve-

My greatest best wishes for 2016 moving on !!!! Let it be full of ur dreams and expectations being realized !!!!

-What the next year will bring? -365 opportunities. (picture from facebook)

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2015

24th Dic 15

Happy X-mas everyone!

The gif is a hard and good work of Karolina. The author of the photos is Karolina, again. The idea of making xmas tree on the snow with us is mine. The coordination in this extremly difficult task is a hard work of everyone:)

I have done about 50 dumplings. Karolina made 2 cakes, a vegan lentil pie, Anton cake as well and some orange slovak stuff, Tymek a vegetable salad, Mateusz fishes in vineger, Jarek 2 types of fish and the soup. Konrad made herrings in oil, Jacek bigos and something,  Krysia is making small dumplings with mushrooms, and Robert will do the big turkey. I was fighting together with Karolina and Tymek in the kitchen till 3 a.m. last night, trying to do as much as possible. But when I was sleeping someone prepared the xmas tree. In general a lot of rush in the kitchen and everyone is making something. The base is full of people again:)

I am far away  from the ones that are important for me. I think about you much more often that during xmas. I hope we will spend time together when I will be back:)

martes, 15 de diciembre de 2015


Can be something more cute then little polar bear??
yes… small polar puppies:)))
26th Nov 2015 the Nature made big, unexpected joke for us. 5 little beings have appeared. We did not know what to do, but they quickly have stolen our hearts. There are 2 white and 3 black puppies. It will be very difficult but I will adopt one. Still, I have not decided the name!?! Any suggestions??The white ones are adopted by me and Karolina (girls). 2 others by Robert and Marta and Darek (boys). One will live here whole her life.

jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015

1st Dic 2015

meteo entrance with Brzydal
Winter is comming.
Definitely! Recently, once for 3 days, second time for 4 days we had no internet connection and  our contact with the world were only via satelite (Iridium). The gusts of wind were up to 41 m/s, and this is quite a lot. There were a lot of snow, especially close to the meteo entrance. When I had to go outside (every 3h) to make my measurements I had to take off a bit of snow, sometimes pretty much of snow. This amazing time had its good sites. I had finished 5th season of Game of Thrones:) and as you can see in Konrad's pic we had some extra fridge to cool our beverages :D
meteo entrance
Extra fridge, by Konrad
at the Rudek entrance (by Jacek)