domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

13th Nov 2015

Today it is 23rd November and for 10 days I have saved photos on my blog account and they were ready to be published. However, there were many things that had happened and had disturbed me in writing :) Firstly, exactly when I had uploaded the pics the internet was gone for 3 days. Then when I wanted to write there was something more important to do in the Base. Finally, I do not hide this, sometimes, I was too lazy to write:)
But… I promise to write more.. really.. or at least upload the pics. There are many things happening here, that are for me new and amazing and I want to share them with people. I want to show a piece of my life and my beautiful surroundings. 

Our night is darker and darker and therefore sometimes is difficult to make photos but I started to have more field work so more possibilities to make pics:)  We have here up to 30 cm of snow and we have to study it.. Yesterday with Caro we went skiing to measure the snow in 21 different points between the Base and Fugle mountain. Unfortunatelly, we did not take the camera, the moon was amazing. So big.. I have not seen so giant moon in my life!! The pics I publish are from some fieldwork with Krysia.

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

8th Nov 2015

Last Friday I had the great opportunity to contact via skype and perform video conference with Young Student Academy (Akademia Młodych Odkrywców at my mother University in Wrocław. It was my first and hope not last such type event. It was very nice to can see that young students are interested in our investigation, to hear their interesting questions and answer them. Maybe between them are growing up small scientists. Thank you dr Ania Hajdusianek and dr Paweł Zagozdzon from Wrocław University of Technology.  

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

6th Nov 2015

Almost black & white- it was the walk with Brzydal, the black dog, on the snow. It was really nice but it was really cold as well. The temperature about -10 deg with the wind was for me extremely cold. That means for the next time it is necessary to wear better cloths:) By now for 1 week we do not experience sun rise neither sun down, however for the few hours the sky is changing into beautiful colors. There is no camera to imitate this spectacle. Soon we will not have sunlight at all but since the Sun seems to be very active this year, we expect to observe nice auroras.