martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

29th Sept 2015

Now at the Station there are just few of us. Three times the ship came and went. There were a lot of things to do. There was a Polar Workshop and we had many guests. After this event the ship took majority of the people. Now it is much more quiet here. I will be uploading photos. Now quite old ones from one other day at the Hans glacier...

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

21st Sept 2015

Quick update:) Our ship Horyzont II came 3 days ago and went yesterday. When the vessel was here it was crazy time and we were working a lot. However the disembarkation in my opinion was quite effective. Later there was the small celebration:) That is the pity but 11 people left us with the ship. 
Among others Iza and Lukasz. They spent here 3 months and were an important part of the group. I will miss them. I upload some pics from field work close to Gnoll that we did few days before.

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

11th Sept 2015

3 kayakers, 2 from New Zealand, 1 from Norway, 2 guys, 1 girl, visited us few days ago.
I want to share this info here since they are the first people that went with kayaks around the Svalbard and I am glad to met them. They made short presentation about their amazing expedition, shown incredible photos and breathtaking videos.
You can read about them more here:  and here: .
Jamie´s presentation, fot: Robert Pogorzelski, form Polish Polar Station Hornsund's facebook

Jamie´s presentation, fot: Robert Pogorzelski, from Polish Polar Station Hornsund's facebook

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

9th Sept 2015

on the way to Arie
Here you cannot go to take a coffee or a beer in your favourite bar. You can go outside e.g. to the mountains. As I did for the first time one week ago and the second yesterday. For the first time, there was no snow (like on the pics), yesterday a little bit.
I wanted to gain other point of view of the fjord and do some camp work.
It is interesting to walk alone. You can hear your interior since it is very calm and quiet here (when it is not windy). However there is noone that can make you a photo:) So I had to do some selfies;) I went through Arie to Fugiel. Very nice mountains, however sometimes quite unpleasent due to many rolling stones:) 


panoramic view form Arie

panoramic  view from Fugiel